From as far back as I can remember, I've loved mascots.
There's something about a happy smiling mascot that makes me scream cry every time I'm in one's presence. So finally, after years of admiring from afar. I finally met my own, Little MOONCHEEZ. She's not me, exactly, but she's part of me. The little voice inside my head that says, "!!!!!!!!!!!" when she sees puffy stickers and invites me into a toy aisle. She's who I wanted to be when I grew up and who I became.
Little MOONCHEEZ is an adventure lovin' girl with a melted moon cheese hat and a love for everything yummy and cute. Her favorite foods are: pork dumplings, bagels with lox and cream cheese, and individually wrapped ice cream treats. She doesn't trust most birds but thinks pigeons are cute and have probably seen it all. Her hobbies are quiltmaking, collecting stickers, and making different kinds of rice bowls and instant ramen. Her biggest dreams in life are to one day replace all of her pillows with stuffed animals and have her own ball pit room.
She will be your happy smiling guide through most of your reading experience here.